28122011 - speechless

i don't know what to say.
but i've experienced it. 
i just don't have the correct words to describe the feeling.

i love you, friends.

a friend posted this on her tumblr and mentioned my name in the caption.
even though you didn't say it,
even though you said you hate me,
but deep inside, 
i know you loves me.
i am touched.


okay, baru teringat.
sebelum ni, pernah juga kemalangan.
dekat Johor.
puncanya tak lain tak bukan,
masa tu langgar lembu.
sedap dia landing tengah-tengah jalan.
santai je dia berehat dekat puncak bukit.
orang yang memandu tu mana nak perasan.
tiba-tiba dah naik bukit, muncul lembaga kuning-kuning air.
ye, masih segar dalam ingatan warna dan kedudukan lembu tersebut.
nasib tak mati lembu tu.
tapi masa tu untung sikit
sebab bukan keseorangan.

ada Zila.
Zila yang memandu kereta.

terkejut Allah je yang tau.
semoga lepas ni dijauhkan dari segala jenis kemalangan yang menggugat jantung.
tak nak kemalangan dengan binatang lagi.

kemalangan mata dan hati dengan jejaka kacak bergaya takpe =p


tiga minggu lepas saya mengalami kemalangan.
di km 211.
lebuhraya pantai timur.
dari kuala lumpur menuju ke gambang.
tak tahu datang dari mana, 
tiba-tiba tiga ekor anak babi berada di tengah-tengah jalan.
lorong belah kiri.
bukan babi hutan.
sebab anak-anak babi tu bukan berwarna hitam mahupun kelabu.
kalau melintas takpe juga.
ni dok main tengah jalan buat apa??
dah dekat baru perasan itu babi.
tak sempat nak elak, lalu dang!!
tidak pula diketahui berapa ekor yang mati.
namun bersyukur kerana tiada darah dijumpai.
kalau tidak, memang mimpi ngeri 32 hari.
bersyukur juga kerana tiada kemalangan jiwa.
tiada kenderaan lain berhampiran tempat kejadian,
kalau ttidak, mungkin perlanggaran antara kereta terjadi.

ini cerita benar. 

06122011 - A Little Come Back.


Assalamualaikum dear friends! 
I bet you guys are in goooood condition. I know right? :p
here i am again. So, it takes about 4 months for me to drop by to this silly 
blog again for a visit.
(Itu pon sebab Zila sebut-sebut pasal blog. if not? hmm~ )

currently, i'm still the same Dhiya that you knew before. No different, but gained weight.
it was happened just like that started from the semester break, during my practical time, and the gaining kilos keep on going. i don't really mind as long as all the shirts, and jeans, and baju kurung, and everything can be fitted on my body nicely. hehe.

I never mention about my practical time, right? fyi, i've devoted my 10 weeks time at Hospital Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. i'm happy to be there, but actually i am forced to be there. FORCED! luckily i managed to reset my mind and pasrah and hoping for the best of it. Alhamdulillah, i'm survived! :D i gained so much knowledge and experiences both good and bad, knowing new people, handling samples, etc. how i understand how working world can gives you so much stress and precious moments. there are many things i can share regarding to this practical matter actually. yeah, many. 

oh, btw, officially i am an environmental health student. 
i guess i did the right thing to choose this concentration over industrial health or clinical and pharmaceutical research concentration. all i can say is environmental health is so cool yaw! and the lecturers are just nice :)
we got Dr. Othman here for environmental microbiology,
Miss Afiza for environmental toxicology,
Dr. Maizatun for environmental law,
and Mdm. Nurul Wahida for research methodology (RM)
this rm subject is compulsory to all concentrations. i'm sooooo not into this rm. boring to death! 
previously, mdm wahida has taught us epidemiology and biostatistics. all these three subjects are not compatible with my liking. seriously -____-"
the best part of rm class is we can have a small reunion in the lecture hall since we've divided ourselves into 3 concentrations. semua dah macam jejak kasih, with happy faces, updating new gossip, etc. 

talking about friends, i think day by day i love my friends more. and i'm not ready for the slow goodbye soon. hmm~

last two weeks, the environmental health kids went to cameron highlands for sampling purposes. together with jalan-jalan makan angin actually, hehe. we had so much fun there. the weather was sumpah sejuk gila!! will write about the trip later. i can conclude, the trip made us become closer and closer. nampak tak, bila dah nak grad, macam-macam kenangan manis lagi indah muncul. 

macam mana ni?

--> nak tunjuk gambar cameron sikit, tapi tak ada gambar pula dalam laptop ni.

15082011 - mynameisDhiya


15th day of Ramadhan. 
Alhamdulillah. Its good to meet u again ya Ramadhan. 

So, hye people! hye everyone! 
apparently, its almost 8 months i didnt post anything here. 8 months yaww!! If I'm pregnant, my baby would pop out anytime, anywhere by now. Seriously, sometimes i forgot the existence of this blog. i don't even bother to "jenguk2" this blog at all. i don't have solid reason. disappointed may be? huhu. 

what brings me back to this?
haaa, thanks to a friend who reminds me about my "trick or treat?" thing.
the way that friend found my blog was quite impressive since that friend found it by google image -___-"
i felt weird. huhu. anyway, thanks for all the effort. i am impressed =)

the friend like requesting me to write again. yeke request? agaknya lah. 
yeah, here i am! hehe.

all this while, a lot of things happened to me, my surrounding, people around me.
i just don't have enough words to elaborate the situation.
fun, sad, sorrow, happy, excited, laugh, tears. everything.
i met many new people. gone through many good and bad experiences.
and i hope that will built me, me. the good me.

a month from now, i will become a 4th year student.
wawawawawawah, i can;t believe it. sumpah macam tak percaya.
let us see how would that be. i wish for a very positive one of course.

so friends, since its Ramadhan, wishing you guys,


may we all gain a lot during this month of full barakah.
i am sorry for all my wrong-doings.

happy to get back here =)

--> i just killed a mosquito. satisfaction.

do writing needs....
...starting point?

11012011 - 11.1.11 , aku tabah.

macam biasa, kena bangun pagi sebab pagi ni ada class. tapi hari ni istimewa sikit, sebab gaya tarikh pon macam istimewa jugak kan. kena bangun lagi awal sikit sebab ada photo shoot untuk gambar class. classmates dah la ramai gila. memang hiruk-pikuk la masa nak menyusunnya tu. masuk class lambat 15minit. semua berpusu-pusu dengan semangat masuk class.

macam biasa, balik class jalan kaki. kali ni balik jalan kaki sorang-sorang, sambil melihat keindahan alam. nasib baik tak hujan. berusaha menaiki anak tangga hingga ke tingkat 4. penat.

kisah malang bermula.

bukak beg, kunci bilik tak ada. damn. roomates tak balik sebab mereka ada lab, untuk menjiamtkan masa, mereka tak balik. apa ke sengal la aku tak bawak kunci. nak kata rushing, malam tadi siap kemas bag, sebab dah tak tau nak buat apa. haihh. berfikir kejap, kalau pergi mahallah office confirm dah tutup, sebab lunch hour. nak tumpang bilik orang, lama sangat la pulak. tambahan pula ada kerja kena buat. roomates balik lab pukul 5. tengok gaya cuaca macam belum nak hujan. tekad pergi KOS balik. tumpang bag dekat bilik jiran. bawa handphone je.

perjalanan bermula.

menuruni anak tangga dari tingkat 4 dengan kesal. sampai bawah je, sheeeet!! seliper jamban! -________-"
whatever lah, kalau tergelincir ke apa ke hadapi dengan senyuman jela, sebab seliper jamban ni dah haus.
dari jauh nampak segerombolan junior jalan kaki nak balik. semua menghala ke mahallah etc, aku je menghala ke KOS. nak pandang pelik pulak. engkau apasal? adorable nau ke aku? -.- terus menuju ke KOS, masuk WACKOS, mereka tak ada, masuk MUSOLLA cari-cari tak jumpa, rupanya tersorok. borak dalam termengah sedikit, amek kunci, blah.

perjalanan pulang bermula.

rasa sedih. emo pulak tiba-tiba. harap maklum, aku kalau penat, exhausted gila, memang senang nak menangis. lagi-lagi kalau sorang-sorang. nak cakap apa pon cakap la. tak tergugat pun lah. dulu pernah menangis sakan sorang-sorang dekat pekeliling. ye, aku ada beberapa kisah sedih yang agak sadis. sumpah penat! rasa nak duduk kejap bawah pokok. pak guard naik van ni bukan nak tumpangkan. cis!! saman orang je tau. tiba-tiba ada sister naik kereta stop, nak tumpangkan, tapi aku senyum dan geleng-geleng kepala. bukan sombong, tapi masa tu tengah mata bergenang, malu lahhh. lagi sekali, tabah menaiki tangga sampai tingkat 4, amek bag dekat bilik jiran, bukak pintu bilik, bukak tingkap. minum air. penat!!

hikmah :
a. mungkin Allah nak suruh aku exercise lebih dengan cara berjalan kaki ulang alik pergi KOS.
b. mungkin Allah nak suruh aku lebih bersabar dalam menghadapi ujian hidup
c. mungkin Allah nak bagi peringatan supaya aku jangan tinggal-tinggal kunci lagi
d. mungkin Allah nak aku rasa susah sikit dan berusaha
e. mungkin Allah nak aku tau, aku tabah.

ye, aku tabah.

04012011 - pelajar sambilan?

oh, class EOP cancelled. setiap minggu pon ada class cancel. dah la sem ni memang tak banyak class.

isnin : memang tak ada class langsung. (gembira, sebab kalau balik weekend, boleh extend sampai isnin.)

selasa : pack! macam hari ni, sepatutnya class dari 10am-1pm (haematology), 2pm-5pm (haematology lab),
5pm-7pm (recreation class), 8pm-11pm (EOP). nampak tak tahap pack dia macam mana???? class haematology memang terbaik.terbaik di sini tak ada lah terbaik like real terbaik (memang baik pon lah). sebab class 3 jam, lecturer tu ajar memang solid 3jam. menangis. panas punggung. berpinar mata. penat telinga. tambahan pula, class dekat ALT3 tu baru tukar aircond agaknya. sumpah sejuk nak mam! dengan laparnya lagi. boleh bayangkan tak tahap tu? lapar, masuk air, sejuk, penat. rehat pon 5minit je. memang lecturer tu menggunakan masa dengan sangat berdedikasi. tabik springringring! tapi yang kagum (betul-betul punya kagum) lecturer ni macam tau semua benda. tanya lah pasal anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics, semua dia tau. kalau tak banyak pon, at least, basic dia tau. mantap. genius. siap ingat darjah berapa dia belajar. memory card brand apa dia guna??? oh lupa, hari selasa bukan setiap minggu pon ada lab, setiap dua minggu sekali je.

rabu : siang tak ada class langsung. malam je ada class EOP. siang buat apa?? n.o.t.h.i.n.g.

khamis : sesi pagi tak ada class langsung. petang macam hari selasa juga, kadang-kadang je ada lab. dua minggu sekali. malam? free.

jumaat : siang je ada class. 1 class je. toxicology. lecturer ni sumpah strict! (sem semua lecturer strict kecuali untuk class skill)

sabtu, ahad : FREE. tak kan setiap minggu nak balik.

nampak tak betapa banyaknya masa di situ? betul tak kalau cakap ini dah macam pelajar sambilan?
kalau nak kerja pon boleh. macam dah terlintas di hati, tapi tak payah la nak mengada-ngada. transport tak ada. kau nak pergi balik kerja siapa nak ambil? kalau tiba-tiba banyak assignment kena buat, kan dah gelabah ****k.

dengan kuantiti masa lapang yang banyak sebegini, amatlah rugi kalau tak diisi dengan perkara-perkara bermanfaat. namun, untuk mencari apakah perkara bermanfaat itu, bukan senang ye. kebarangkalian untuk membuang masa begitu sahaja amatlah besar. lebih-lebih lagi untuk manusia seperti aku. sunyi? itu tak payah tanya lah. memang lah sunyi. handphone pon bisu. (emotional sekejap).

manusia memang tak pernah puas dengan apa yang dia ada. dulu busy, cakap tak ada masa free. sekarang dah free, cakap bosan pula. ye, saya bersyukur. alhamdulillah.

bila dah asyik tak ada class ni, rasa malas nak pergi class pon ada juga. tapi, wujud juga perasaan semangat nak pergi class, sebab macam dah lama tak pergi class.

--> ada orang pervert. SOS!!! perlukan perlindungan segera.

03012011 - first monday in 2011

today is monday. 1st monday of 2011. nothing much, no class, waiting for nada in her room, doing so normal things. and i'm going back to my "fav" place, kuantan.

boredom strikes.

hurmm, this weekend i went to sungei wang plaza. weekend here means friday, saturday, and sunday. all for different purposes. it never happened to me since forever. plus i don't really like sg.wang plaza, cause its crowded. and the people there likes to langgar-langgar orang, and im always tersepit between people. and the most thing i hate - langgar beg.
(sampai sekarang belum betul-betul hafal selok-belok dekat dalam sg. wang tu. main redah je)

sg. wang is complicated.

i went to low yat plaza twice. saturday and sunday. oh, this thing also never happened to me before. since i'm not so hi-tech kinda people, i only went to low yat plaza if n only if i really really really need to. its not an interesting place for me. huhu. on saturday, i went there because my friend bought a handphone. i brought her to my fav shop and guess what, that tauke gave us special price with some free gift. and the best part is, he gave me a phone casing!! (komisen wey komisennnnn) oh, plus a bling2 screen protector for half price. my phone looks stunning and like i just bought a new one. satisfied! =D

i bought my phone on 1st jan 2010, and i came back to the same shop on the same date but different year. don't you think i'm a loyal customer? (siap bawak kawan-kawan datang beli dekat kedai tu lagi. bukan seorang tp berorang-orang.)

as my phone getting older, he's quite demand. i dont know why. so, the key "A" did not functioning well. it's like im using iphone 4, touch screen. i dont need to press the key, yet the "a" appeared like "aaaaAAAaaAAaaassssS" itu okay lah lagi, but then the "A" didnt appears at all. even after i pressed it like mad. pffttt!
so, my "A" is "S". why S? not P? Z? simple, because "S" besides "A" =p
but, the key is okay now. i went to low yat plaza again last night to fixed it. and it cost me rm25 instead of rm50. yeayy!! =D

puas = puss
mandi = msndi
aku = sku
jerawat = jerswst
balik laaaa = bslik lssss
big apple = big spple
hahaha = hshshs

i pimped my phone and gave him a "medical treatment" for his 1st anniversary =)

--> sumpah aku mengarut tah hape-hape

02012011 - not bad :)


yeah, already 2nd day of 2011. how was your new year celebration? for me celebrating new year doesn't means much since some might think celebrating new year means you go to the concert etc. honestly, i never been in any concert for new year. every year i will celebrated with my dear friends inside my university. yes, inside. (pernah ada niat nak fly, tp ada kawan tak berani. frust.) when i was in matriculation centre, we just lepak-lepak somewhere inside the campus, and watched the fireworks. but this year, no fireworks -.-

so, yesterday i thought my 1st day of 2010 will be kind of dull. but, i received a text early in the morning and i am pretty satisfied with the truth. even though it doesn't run like what i wanted, but nevermind. i'm being positive yawww!! =p i guess it made my day.

and yesterday, i'm quite happy since i met 6 different groups of friends.
1. dear friend
2. friends from kuantan A
3. syuhada and her boyfriend
4. a friend with his girlfriend
5. friends from kuantan B
6. old friend

and yesterday also, i've been in 7 different places.
1. jalan masjid jamek
2. jalan tunku abdul rahman
3. sogo
4. sungei wang plaza
5. low yat plaza
6. times square

(actually no 1 sampai 3 tu boleh je jadi 1 temapt, saja nk melebih-lebih)

my new year isn't that bad, yeay!! =D

--> welcome to the club od!!