19072010 - the brain starts working again

happy monday people!! =D

biasanya hari isnin hari yang kurang bersemangatkan? tapi hari ni, saya semangat.
sebab nak pergi class english for academic purpose a.k.a EAP (my first class, prev class dah ponteng).

so, the lecture was quite funny and interesting. congrates lah madam, you caught my attention well.huhu..
talking about english, it is actually my favourite subject since my primary school.
until now. but i don't know why my english still s.u.c.k.s 
pity me~~
* i found that mostly english teachers are cool ,hehe..

the assignment was given and we have to find an argumentative issues that related to our studies.
for my course, of course it is definitely something to do with the body, health and etc.
basically science based topics. so everyone in the class thinking so hard what topic should be taken for this assignment since our madam want something wow! and wonderful and attractive.

semua orang semangat nak pilih tajuk yang bombastik. kekangan masa menyebabkan saya tak berapa nak bfikir sangat nak buat tajuk apa. bukan malas ye, tapi masa tak sesuai nak fikir banyak-banyak,hehe.
ada lah terlintas beberapa topik yang mungkin boleh dipilih. tapi belum betul-betul confirm nak buat tajuk mana. masih tercari-cari. jadi, kalau awak semua ada idea bernas, bagitahu lah saya. mana tahu idea awak membuat saya rasa menarik dan tertarik,hehe.


lepas class tadi, nak pergi lunch deakt kuliyyah of medicine a.k.a KOM
tiba-tiba dapat message class pukul12 cancel. hiphiphooray3!!
tapi the bad news --> 3 hours lecture in the evening -____-"

memandangkan masa masih banyak, konon-konon nak pergi library. 
cari apa-apa yang boleh guna untuk EAP ni. tetapi sebab tak tahu nak cari dekat mana, 
dan apa yang nak dicari, end up dengan buat benda yang out of plan.
biasalah tu, buat benda yang tak ada dalam plan.
jumpa 3 buku yang agak menarik :

how to stand with people we can't stand

buku self-massage tu cerita macam-macam pasal self-massage atau dalam bahasa melayu urut sendiri.
the benefits, the ways to massage, the right point to do massage, the positions, the essential things needed and many more. i didn't read the whole book, but i just turn here and there.

how to say no? why it's so difficult to say no?
nak tahu pergi lah cari buku tu. malas nak baca. selak-selak je =p

oh, buku ke-3 memang menarik. tapi tak sempat nak baca. sebab rasa penat dan mengantuk. balik bilik lagi bagus, boleh baring-baring, get ready for next class. hehe.

going to the library is a good start for a new semester. am i right?
i did, how about you? *winksssz!!

-->tomorrow is my first class for immunology. dr. tariq yaww!! @__@  remember2, positive thinking nodya!!! =D 

---> sebenarnye sedikit cuak dan curious. oh, i love immunology!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its good to say no..saves you the complications of saying yes to things you don't fancy..a wise man told me lah..all the best;)